It’s been a rough few months in our country - a global pandemic, job losses, education changing and shifting, and especially racial injustice. It doesn’t compare to what I just outlined, but apparently this is a year for cicadas to emerge too.
Like many of you, we’re angry and sad. We shared this quote from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., earlier this week on our social media and I think it bears repeating again. “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
We believe in the power of education to change hearts and minds.
We started Golden Educational Consulting with a goal of helping students, supporting a healthy approach to the college search process, and serving a variety of populations. Through our 20+ years of higher education experience, we know that there are some high schools where students don’t have access to a college counselor, some families who don’t know where to start a college search, and a lot of unspoken fears about college affordability. We know there are haves and have-nots and we strive everyday to support and further equity in education. We know that students of color often have dramatically reduced access to certain support programs, based on their zip code. Our goal has been to try to help all students, but especially those who don’t have access to resources. We have presented free workshops as well as provided free and even significantly reduced fees for families. We truly believe in the purpose of higher education. We know that we don’t all begin at the same starting line.
We know that the challenges continue when students of color enter colleges and universities. We’ve all read news reports of a student sleeping in a residence hall lounge and someone calls campus police as “she doesn’t belong here,” when in fact she lives in the residence hall. How assumptions are made about students based on their hairstyle or appearance. The list can go on.
We support organizations with fellow like-minded principles on access and higher education, such as Challenge Success at Stanford University and Autism Tennessee. We want to be a part of the solution, a resource, and a safe place for conversation and reflection. We invite you to join us as we share some anti-racism learning resources that have been compiled by others selflessly fighting for this cause.
Please know we see you. You matter. And we’re here.
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